Final Music Video

Sunday 16 October 2011

Representations within our music video

Our performance and narrative based music video will consist of one main female artist. We are attempting to steer away from the norm of female portrayal within music videos, as usually woman in the music videos are promoting "The Male Gaze". Particular genres such as Hip Hop & R&B are well known for representations of women within the video whether it be in the lyrics or visual imagery. These genres usually involve a women in minimum clothing prancing around a flash vehicle. Woman are presented in provocative clothing revealing their flesh in many places, there are often close-ups of their body parts. For example, Nicki Minaj's video "SuperBass" consists of the artist pouring pink fluid over her body which presents her in sensual way and creates a male audience.

However, in some videos women are overpowered by men, for example in Rihanna's video, "Man Down" it is clear that the artist is being abused by a male figure. This video shows her vulnerability and loneliness due to abuse experienced.

In the pre-production stages of producing our music video, we've decided that we will move away from these traditional norms of exploitation of women. We want to follow the footsteps of very dominant and inspirational girl group, "Destiny's Child" as their songs are based on promoting the independence of women. 

We wish for the target audiences to see the artist as an inspirational role model, that can be a highly respectable idol for young teenage girls. Our main aim is to enable audience’s to acknowledge the artists clear talent.

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